What I love about acting is?

Be patient. Not passive. Patience is energy. It really breaks down to not being desperate. Not clinging onto or grasping at things that aren’t yours… yet. Passive is giving up, throwing hands in the air, blaming the other guy, etc. Patient is doing YOUR thing with love and excitement and KNOWING your time will come if you continue. Passive is false hope. Passive is waiting in a Starbucks to be discovered because you heard that one other person was discovered that way. Patience is a virtue, passivity is a sin. Patience means you still work “hard” (hate to use that word because of its connotation). Film making is fun. If you don’t enjoy at least some of it you should check what and why you’re doing it. Stay patient RFCers!
This is a great place to start as a writer writing dialogue. Or a good reminder. It’s like a jumping off point. Of course this isn’t always true but if you look at people in real life… it kind of is. Bad ex. but you wouldn’t want/have your antagonist say - “I’m the villain of this story!” In fact, they probably think they’re the hero (the opposite) whereas your hero might not think they’re good/virtuous enough. It’s also okay to do your first drafts with “on the nose” dialogue - aka “saying what you mean” - as long as in your subsequent rewrites you bury the meaning. Some - few - people/characters are that transparent. Most people have depth and shell-game their true meanings when they speak. Action reveals their truth! Have fun! Play around! Ask questions! Re-write!!!
Most good artistic advice and rules also apply to life. Same here. Things will change. Evolve. Fall apart. How will you respond? How will you lead? Through anger and frustration or through grace and understanding? There has never been one project I’ve produced where every single thing went right. No matter how hard you plan. In fact, planning isn’t for the plan but for when the plans goes inevitably astray. Much love to everyone out there. Go get them. Course avail very soon!